
Our products provide all audio users with the best experience
of sound that is faithful to live sound and has high reproducibility.

Room Tuning Speaker Stand RTS

Room Tuning Speaker Stand RTS-50/60/70

As the second release in celebration of TIGLON’s 15th anniversary, the “RTS” speaker stand is based on the MGT-60S magnesium speaker stand, which was the first of its kind in the world, created in 2006. In collaboration with Escart, a specialist in room tuning, this product merges “speaker stand” and “room tuning accessory” into the world’s first “room tuning stand” (patent obtained).
Reexamining the true essence of a speaker stand, we pursued the concept of “virtually floating the main speakers in the air,” thoroughly eliminating the presence of the stand itself. As a result, room tuning materials were integrated into the magnesium pillars, eliminating the stand’s inherent sound and creating a magnificent sound stage that makes the speakers seem as if they are floating in mid-air. This speaker stand embodies 17 years of accumulated vibration and damping technology, and every aspect, including the “materials for the top and bottom plates,” “painting,” and “all 40 screws,” was pursued with uncompromising dedication.

Top plate: W19 × D24 cm
Bottom plate: W22 × D27 cm

Available in 50, 60, 70 cm

Approximately 8-10 kg per stand, depending on the length of the pillars



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