The exclusive power cable "TPL-3000A-WT" was recently featured on the Korean YouTube channel "Audio World Korea."The video introduces the world-patented "Magnesium Shield" technology, which blocks external noise, and the newly patented "Photon Technology" that ensures stable energy transmission.[…]
The Polish online magazine High Fidelity has featured the LAN cable "TPL-2000L Professional."Here is an excerpt from the article for your reference. For the full article, please refer to High Fidelity."You will never feel bored with this cable. It doesn't diminish the energy or smooth out the[…]
The RCA cable "MS-DR20R" has been awarded BEST PRODUCT 2024 by the Polish magazine High Fidelity.In the award announcement article, High Fidelity praised the MS-DR20R as follows:"The TiGLON MS-DR20R is an interconnect that plays any genre of music in a friendly and accessible way.It slightly[…]
The RCA cable "MS-DR20R" was featured in the Polish online magazine High Fidelity.Here is an excerpt from the article. For the full article, please refer to High Fidelity. "The MS-DR20R is an interconnect that plays any type of music in a friendly way. It enlarges the foreground a bit, smooths[…]
The tuning spacers "D-REN PRO" were featured in the Polish online magazine "High Fidelity." This product has sold over 50,000 units and has received favorable reviews in various countries and regions. Here is an excerpt from the article ※For the full article, please visit High[…]
Chinese audio critic Sun Hao has reviewed our power cable "TPL-3000A-WT" on his blog. Below is an excerpt from the review. ※For the full review, please visit the blog page. "Western high-end cables are often bold and flashy, strongly asserting their presence. In comparison, the sound[…]
The power cable "TPL-3000A-WT" was featured in the Polish online magazine "High Fidelity". In this article, the cable received the "RED FINGERPRINT Award", which is given to particularly outstanding products that the magazine favored throughout the year. Here is an excerpt from the article ※[…]
The following five products were reviewed in "MY-HiEND," a widely known audio magazine in Taiwan:■ Flagship power cable "TPL-3000A"■ Speaker stands "RTS series"■ Tuning spacers "D-REN PRO"■ Standard model power cable "MS-DR20A-AD"■ Tuning sheets "DRS series" The representative, Okino,[…]
The web magazine Hi-Files AUDIO/VIDEO MAGAZIN in Slovenia featured the power cable MS-DR20A-AD and the tuning spacer D-REN PRO. The review states, 'The MS-DR20A-AD significantly enhances performance with amplifiers, improving the power and dynamics of the sound. The clarity and control in the bass[…]
The new TIGLON power cable "TPL-3000A-WT" was featured on the "Lab channel," the YouTube channel of the Hong Kong audio shop Labkable pro shop. Starting with the unboxing of the BOX, the video is packed with the allure of this cable, including explanations of the mythical conductor "DF-OFC" our[…]
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