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  • The tuning spacers were featured in a Polish online magazine.

The tuning spacers were featured in a Polish online magazine.


The tuning spacers “D-REN PRO” were featured in the Polish online magazine “High Fidelity.” This product has sold over 50,000 units and has received favorable reviews in various countries and regions.

Here is an excerpt from the article ※For the full article, please visit High Fidelity

 ”Once you hear it, you won’t be able to forget it. It enhances the beauty of the sound and fits any system, making it hard to imagine a musical life without this product. Tiglon’s D-Ren Pro is one of those products.
 Change, change, change… Audio is a series of big changes. With Tiglon, you can move in a good direction. This product changes the nature of the sound, enhances the bass, and makes the treble pleasant. However, it mainly improves resolution and makes the sound easier to listen to, rather than changing the tone color. After a while, when you remove it, you will realize the changes I felt. It also has a wonderful effect of preventing equipment from slipping. I think it’s worth trying for this purpose as well.”


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